
Simulation information for patients and relatives

King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

If you have been directed to this webpage, this is because you are in, or near, part of the hospital where we will be carrying out a simulated exercise.

We Care

As part of our commitment to you, we ensure that our staff have the most up to date knowledge and skills in order to treat you and your loved ones in the best way possible. One of the tools we use to achieve this is Simulation (a rehearsal of healthcare situations).

Healthcare simulation plays a significant role in educating our staff in the numerous conditions that they may encounter when they care for you. Simulation can take many forms, this could be using our state of the art Human Patient Simulators (HPS) or our individual trainers to allow for technical skills training.

The evidence is very clear, the more we practice our skills, as either individuals or as teams, the more proficient we become. For this reason we put a lot of emphasis on encouraging our teams to take part in our simulations wherever and whenever they can as it enhances the care we can offer you as our patients.

Put quite simply, it is better to have practiced on a simulator than to practice those newly acquired skills, for the first time on a real person.

With this in mind then, please do not be alarmed if you see these taking place. we conduct these regularly and aim to make these situations as realistic as possible, to give our teams the best opportunity to learn safely.

Some of our equipment is real equipment we would use in our clinical practice, this allows us to become used to these items as much as possible. Some of our simulators are extremely realistic and often we may use real people with moulage (wound make up) in order to increase the fidelity of the simulation for our staff. Study’s have proven that the better the fidelity, the more immersed staff are, the more immersed they are the better the learn.

These practices are normal and standard within the NHS to give you the best care we possible can. If you would like to know more about what we do, please do get in touch with us, our details can be found on our main Website. Click the button to access.

If you would like to know more about what we do, please do get in touch using the details on our Contact Us page

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