First clinical module completed at new King’s Academy
Level 6 and Level 7 Care of Older People’s module was completed
The first clinical academic module has been completed at the Trust’s brand-new King’s Academy.
Located in Loughborough Junction, the brand-new state-of-the-art King’s Academy training centre officially opened in July this year and was initially used by many staff members to complete their Epic training.
Following Epic training, the Academy has been used as a training centre for nurses, midwives and allied health professionals (AHPs).
The first academic module to be completed is the Older People’s Care undergraduate and postgraduate module. This course, which was run in partnership with Kingston University, has been developed by Nigel Dodds, Consultant Nurse for Older People, with support from Emma Ouldred, Lead Nurse for Dementia and Delirium, and Kelly Mitchell, Practice Development Matron in ASM.
The module has been developed for nurses and other registered health professionals working with older people, and the course has drawn on clinical expertise from within the Trust to deliver the sessions.
Thirteen learners attended the first module, which ran over five days in November, and they all left with a positive impression. 100% of the attendees said that the module was ‘worth attending’, and ‘relevant to clinical practice’.
The Trust is now looking to develop modules on dementia, and frailty, which will then lead attendees to a post-graduate qualification in older people’s care.
For more information about this module, contact Emma Ouldred.
Thank you to all staff members who made the first training course a success.